Secondary Education Certification 正规的网赌平台

商业教育教师帮助学生充分发挥他们作为消费者的潜力, 储户, 投资者, and working professionals by exposing them to economics, 管理原则, personal and corporate finance, 和技术. 这种接触使学生开始了解如何管理他们的财务, how to act in a professional manner, and how to collaborate in the workplace. 它为学生为未来的员工角色做好准备, 经理, 高管, 和企业家. Topics covered include: the true value of a dollar, the importance of having strong credit, how to budget finances, and how interest rates work.

  • 二级商业认证的先决条件是商业相关领域的学士学位.e. Business Management, Accounting, Finance), OR
  • 30 undergraduate credits in business plus 9 in a related area

中学英语课程为您准备康涅狄格州7-12年级的英语认证. 中学英语课程是国家英语教师委员会认可的课程.

Courses explore topics including:

  • Supporting teaching-learning connections
  • Illuminating issues relating to student diversity
  • In-depth exploration of English literature and content

Secondary English certification prerequisites

中学英语课程的考生必须证明他们符合国家英语教师委员会(NCTE)的标准. 申请者必须是英语专业,或者至少有30个学分的英语课程,证明其课程的深度和广度. 所有学生必须完成至少9个学分的美国和英国文学, a 3 credit 语法 or linguistics course, at least 3 credits in a genre study (such as short story or poetry), 3 credits in composition/communications, 6 credits in world literature, 少数民族文学, and/or women’s literature, a 3 credit Shakespeare course, and a 3 credit advanced seminar or author study.


  1. Nine credits in foundations: Special Education and Educational Psychology
  2. Three credits in English methods
  3. Three credits in Reading and Writing in the Content areas
  4. Three credits in Adolescent Literature
  5. Seven credits in English-specific areas, including teaching English Language Learners, 语法, 写作, 电影, and literacy technology applications.
  6. Six credits in field experiences
  7. Appropriate electives as needed to reach 33 credits for the master’s degree
  8. Final degree option (PRAXIS II or credit-bearing project)
  9. Resident Teaching (six credits not counting towards the master’s degree)

中学历史和社会研究课程提供的经验,准备个人成为成功的教师在历史和社会研究领域. 课程提供了一系列支持教与学联系的理解, that illuminate issues relating to student diversity, that provide for meaningful exploration of content.

作为硕士学位的一部分,提供康涅狄格州7-12年级历史/社会研究的中学教学认证. All of the education requirements for courses are built into the Master’s study. The student teacher requirement is completed subsequent to the degree.

Secondary history/社会 studies certification prerequisites

  • 历史 major and 18 additional credits in other Social Sciences, OR
  • Social Science major (i.e. 人类学, 经济学, 地理位置, 政治科学, Sociology) and 18 additional credits in 历史, OR
  • 跨学科专业(历史或社会科学以外的任何专业),历史(包括美国)至少18个学分.S., 西方或欧洲和非西方),其他社会科学至少21学分(包括政治学每门至少一门课程), 经济学, 地理位置, and 人类学 or Sociology or Psychology)

Fieldwork and resident teaching

Each student must complete fieldwork and Resident Teaching experiences. 实地实习与课程学习同时进行,有两种形式:学区带薪实习或自费在当地学校进行实地实习. Both experiences award six semester hours of credit. 实习生在实习生计划主任选定的地区的一所学校工作. 实习生按照选定的学区的时间表度过一整个学年. 正规的网赌平台课程的学费是全额支付的,因此在学术相关课程的学习中可以获得免学费的学位/认证经验. 另外, 每个传统学生都可以选择作为观察员在自己选择的学校完成实地考察, assistant to a teacher, or assistant in other instructional related activity. As a culminating project, 学生(包括实习生和传统学生)围绕正规的网赌平台目标制作作品集.

常驻教学经验是指在经过培训的合作教师的指导下在一所学校进行整整60天的教学. 实习的安排是通过教育学院进行的,并由大学工作人员监督.


  1. Nine credits in foundations: Special Education and Educational Psychology
  2. Three credits in 历史/Social Studies methods
  3. Three credits in Reading and Writing in the Content areas
  4. One credit in statutory state requirements
  5. Six credits in field experience
  6. Appropriate electives as needed to reach 33 credits for the Master’s Degree
  7. Final degree option (PRAXIS II or credit-bearing project)
  8. Resident Teaching (six credits not counting towards the Master’s Degree)

数学教育课程提供课程和课堂经验,以准备未来的中学教师成功地向各种各样的学生教授数学. 毕业生离开大学时,已经掌握了最新和最合适的知识, 学生在中学阶段学习数学的技能和倾向. 中学数学教育课程在其专注于内容知识的掌握方面是独一无二的. Students take classes that concentrate on selected topics in abstract algebra, 几何, 三角函数, 功能, 向量, 微积分, discrete math and linear algebra. 这门经典数学的理论课程使教师候选人能够从内容丰富的角度教授中学生.

Secondary mathematics certification prerequisites

  • Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from an accredited institution, OR
  • 30 undergraduate credits in Mathematics

Fieldwork and resident teaching

Each student must complete fieldwork and Resident Teaching experiences. 实地实习与课程学习同时进行,有两种形式:学区带薪实习或自费在当地学校进行实地实习. Both experiences award six semester hours of credit. 实习生在实习生计划主任选定的地区的一所学校工作. 实习生按照选定的学区的时间表度过一整个学年. 正规的网赌平台课程的学费是全额支付的,因此在学术相关课程的学习中可以获得免学费的学位/认证经验. 另外, 每个传统学生都可以选择作为观察员在自己选择的学校完成实地考察, assistant to a teacher, or assistant in other instructional related activity. As a culminating project, 学生(包括实习生和传统学生)围绕正规的网赌平台目标制作作品集.

常驻教学经验是指在经过培训的合作教师的指导下在一所学校进行整整60天的教学. 实习的安排是通过教育学院进行的,并由大学工作人员监督.


  1. 基础课程九学分:特殊教育、人类成长与发展
  2. Four Content Courses: Analysis for Teachers I, II; Numerical Analysis; Mathematical Modeling
  3. One credit in statutory state requirements
  4. Six credits in field experience
  5. A total of 33 credits for the Master’s Degree
  6. Final degree option (Praxis II or credit bearing project)
  7. Resident Teaching (six credit hours not counted toward the Master’s Degree)

科学课程是为那些渴望成为称职的中学科学教师而设计的. 该计划的总体目标是使未来的科学教师能够理解理论和最佳科学实践,以成功指导和评估中学生. 康涅狄格州7-12年级科学教师证书.

本质上, 中学科学课会让学生复习他们的科学内容知识,以及“这个东西叫做科学”(科学的本质),并使他们获得知识, 技能, and methods for teaching science. 这是, 该计划将侧重于教学策略的类型和过程技能的掌握(教育学)。, that foster the development of science concepts (content), and the growth of positive attitudes (dispositions) in the science domain.

The program will also explore the purposes, 组织, 科学经验的指导,将使学生看到科学探究的兴奋以及智力, 社会, and even philosophical values of science. 此外, the program will emphasize knowledge of growth and development, 文化多样性, safety in the science teaching/learning milieu, 并利用科学来培养公民技能和社区中的健康关系. 最后, 评估科学学习和科学正规的网赌平台进展的方法也将被仔细审查.

Science certification prerequisites

For Secondary Biology, 化学, 地球科学, or Physics Certification:

  • Science subject area major awarded in Biology, 化学, 地球科学, or Physics by regionally accredited undergraduate institution, OR
  • 30 undergraduate credits in the desired subject plus 9 in a related field

For Secondary General Science Certification:

  • 39个本科理科学分,包括生物、化学、地球科学和物理

Fieldwork and resident teaching

Each student must complete fieldwork and Resident Teaching experiences. 实地实习与课程学习同时进行,有两种形式:学区带薪实习或自费在当地学校进行实地实习. Both experiences award six semester hours of credit. 实习生在实习生计划主任选定的地区的一所学校工作. 实习生按照选定的学区的时间表度过一整个学年. 正规的网赌平台课程的学费是全额支付的,因此在学术相关课程的学习中可以获得免学费的学位/认证经验. 另外, 每个传统学生都可以选择作为观察员在自己选择的学校完成实地考察, assistant to a teacher, or assistant in other instructional related activity. As a culminating project, 学生(包括实习生和传统学生)围绕正规的网赌平台目标制作作品集.

常驻教学经验是指在经过培训的合作教师的指导下在一所学校进行整整60天的教学. 实习的安排是通过教育学院进行的,并由大学工作人员监督.


  1. Nine credits in foundations: Special Education and Educational Psychology
  2. Three credits in Science methods
  3. Three credits in Reading and Writing in the Content areas
  4. One credit in statutory state requirements
  5. Six credits in field experience
  6. Appropriate electives to reach 33 credits for the Master’s Degree
  7. Final degree option (PRAXIS II or credit-bearing project)
  8. Resident Teaching (six credits not counting towards the Master’s Degree)

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